• Tallow Balm 2 oz

    Debs Oils

  • $ 24.00

  • Description

    Tallow balm is beef tallow (grass fed) that is rendered down and blended with jojoba oil, organic olive oil, beeswax, and essential oils (unless you prefer unscented).

    • Tallow is rich in the same fat or lipid profile as human skin
    • Contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12. They promote youthful skin and fight free radicals that cause wrinkles. 
    • It has anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, softening, and regenerative properties.  
    • Antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties makes a good option for skin conditions like acne or eczema.
    • Is an incredible healing agent and moisturizer

    The Romans and ancient Egyptians regularly used tallow as a miracle moisturizing agent and a cure for burns, scrapes, and various other ailments. Whether it was used as a balm, ointment, or salve, tallow was a readily available resource and a healing must-have.

    Even 200 years ago, tallow was a common household item—and a regular ingredient in homemade soaps, lotions, and other skincare products.

    HOW TO USE IT: The tallow balm has been whipped into a fluffy consistency. You can use tallow balm as a  moisturizer, face cream, baby lotion, deep conditioning treatment for hair, sunburn and diaper rash, lip moisturizer. It soothes cracked hands, elbows, and heels.

    We make Tallow Balm in Unscented, Bandits, Helichrysum & Sandalwood, and Frankincense & Lavender.

Tallow Balm 2 oz

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